The call for abstracts for the workshop is now open until the 15th of december. You can read the call and fill the form to submit your proposal here.
Author: Xabier Barandiaran
I consider myself a situated and embodied philosopher, which means that I situate my philosophical practice in close interaction with scientific environments and embodied in the conceptual apparatus that emerges from this interplay. The sciences on which I feel embedded are those meeting in the multidisciplinary crossroad of cognitive sciences and artificial life: particularly the origins of agency, simulation of adaptive behaviour (evolutionary robotics and computational neuroethology), and large scale neuroscience.
Workshop dates: 22-24th June 2022
Make room in your agendas and update your calendar. We will be hosting the Outonomy Workshop 22-24th of June 2022! We are now planning to open a call4abstract and invitation to guest speakers.
New site
This is the website that we just opened to coordinate the Outonomy project. You are welcome to join and follow our news, results and proposals.